We work with a range of international customers, predominantly in the area of geological disposal of nuclear waste but also in other geoscience-related industries. Examples of recent customers include:
- Geoscience Research Laboratory (Japan)
- Kajima Corporation (Japan)
- Kemakta Konsult AB (Sweden)
- Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources [KIGAM] (South Korea)
- Nuclear Waste Services (UK)
- Low Level Waste Repository (now part of NWS -UK)
- NAGRA (Switzerland)
- Nuclear Waste Management Organisation [NWMO] (Canada)
- Obayashi Corporation (Japan)
- Posiva Oy (Finland)
- ProGeo (Czech Republic)
- Sellafield (now NWS - UK)
- Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB [SKB] (Sweden)